Sep 012015


Custom riso printed envelopes for Art Quake‘s 5th anniversary publication ‘Recipes for Resistance’.Recipes for ResistanceEdition of 200
Publisher: Mike Despotovic
Editor: Katherine Chan
Art Quake Team: Tahia Ahmed (ArtQuake Co-Founder), Manveer Singh, Anisha Karia, plus others!

Recipes for Resistance is a resource for community artists, activists, and organizers to use art as a tool to facilitate their resistance movements. Whether on campus, in classrooms, or on the streets, resistance is key to creating the just future we envision for ourselves and our communities. Art-based resistance centres our stories, solutions, and creative capacity as the driving forces of change. Use these 16 recipes for resistance to take up space, demand an audience, and disrupt the status quo.”

Recipes for ResistanceRecipes for Resistance

ArtQuake is a youth driven arts organization in Vancouver, BC that provides young artists and activists with mentorship, resources, and space to pursue the arts, and fosters a culture of creative political action in their communities. They approached Katherine and I on producing a custom publication in time for their 5th anniversary (Sept 2015). Given the budget and intentions, we decided to take what was initially a “handbook” style publication and turn the experience non-linear. Each recipe included a description, example, instructions, and set of ingredients for anytime action.