Jun 202017


First adventure of the 2017 summer, Moniker Press went east!

First stop; Montreal, where we got to meet with some cool riso printers (l’Abriocot) for Mobile Moniker and also enjoy experiencing the city.

Next stop; Toronto for the 2nd Annual Toronto Art Book Fair. Four solid days of artists books – it was a blast!  Also got a chance to hang out and collaborate with local riso printers, Colour Code, Vide Press, Paper Pusher, and Perish Publishing.

See some pictures from the trip below! There’s literally so much to see and do in both cities that the list of recommendations to go on for days…

Montreal recommendations from Moniker Press: Monastiraki*, Drawn & Quarterly, BouquetVin Papillon, Triple Crown Dinette, Liverpool House, St-Viateur Bagel ShopLe Lab, MAC, Distroboto, Crew & Collective, Mt Royal/Tam Tams, Mile End, Le Plataeu.

*Visit Monastiraki and you’ll find select copies of Moniker Press’ publications!

Toronto recommendations from Moniker Press:  La Cubana, Art Gallery of OntarioBellwoods Brewery, ArtscapeOtto’s Berlin Döner, Kid Icarus, The Golden Turtle, Chinatown.

Mar 052017


After an unexpected slow start to the year (thanks to everyone for their patience etc) I’m excited to announce… Moniker Press’ first open studio day! 

Drop by on March 11th to learn about the inner workings of the Moniker Press risograph print shop! At the open studio, you’re invited to: pick up a copy of the “Intro to Riso” zine, see the RZ and MZ printers in person, view print samples from the archive and meet others who are interested in risograph printing.

A selection of riso books collected in Mexico City at RRReplica (as well as others from the Reading Nook) will be on display for browsing / inspiration.

Important note: this event is not a workshop (although we hope to have workshops available later this year). Feel free to ask basic questions about the print process but for more in-depth discussions regarding projects, pricing, and file set up you must schedule an individual meeting at a later date. Email erica@monikerpress.ca if you have a project in mind!


Dec 202016


Some photos from the wonderful PRINT FAIR / ART MARKET, that Moniker Press organized in partnership with Dynamo Arts Association and ddoogg/KIOSK.

Vancouver Courier’s Rebecca Blissett also wrote an article about the Fair > read here.

We had tons of awesome art/book vendors, as well as performances, hot cider and snacks. It was a great December day!

Participating publishers included: Moniker Press, Andrea Lukic, Kate Fobert, Cole James Pauls, Kirsten Hatfield, Perro VerlagDDOOGGAs.iZ, Unfastened, Hayley Dawn Muir, Leftover Crafts, Zine ClubPaper Innards Distro, Stephanie McDonell, Phaedra HarderNeoglyphic MediaCarli Erin BoisjolieVancouver Art Book Fair and Black Market.

Dynamo Art Association artist Sarah Davidson (left) hosted Saturday’s Print Fair/Market along with Juli Majer (right) and Erica Wilk (not pictured). The one-day event, hosted by Dynamo, Kiosk and Moniker Press, showcased a variety of print and publishing with performances and readings. Photo: Rebecca Blissett.

Nov 032016


Studio before the fairbookfair_dscf4134

Our favourite time of year in the studio and outside!

It was an amazing weekend. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Moniker Press table and supported the VABF 2016. This year for the annual Vancouver Art Book Fair Moniker Press released three new publications: fol.cl, Puddle Popper pt 2 and a 2017 Risograph Artists Calendar.  These projects would not have been possible without the extra assistance from Graham McFie – a huge thank you to Graham for all his help!

For those who were unable to attend check out the pictures below, also the new publications will be made available in our online shop very soon!


Puddle Popper pt 2. (more information coming soon)

Juli Majer, Melanie Thibodeau, Sarah Davidson and Sonja Ratkay explore play as an overlapping theme in their work through a collectively drawn zine published by Moniker Press and installation.


Moniker Press also had the pleasure of printing new work for many artists involved with the fair; including Dakwakada Warriors by Cole Pauls and several publications (Squint, Growth and JJWW) by Hayley Dawn Muir. (pictured below)

bookfair_dscf4331bookfair_dscf4266Until next year VABF

Sep 202016


Vancouver Art Book FairIt’s that time of year again! Outdoors the leaves are changing colours, and inside red ladder studio a printing storm is brewing. All in preparation for the 5th annual Vancouver Art Book Fair.

Moniker Press has some exciting new releases for the fair, including;

  • Puddle Popper pt2. (Juli Majer, Melanie Thibodeau, Sarah Davidson, Sonja Ratkay and Moniker Press)
  • fol.cl (collaboration between poet, Viorica Hrincu, illustrator, Melissa Soleski and Moniker Press)
  • 2017 Artists Calendar (featuring 12 artists for 12 months!)
  • and lots of other little goodies…

*note: the Mobile Moniker: Travelling with Paper book release has been postponed to December 2016.

Have a project you want riso printed for the fair? Send an email as soon as possible as the PRINTING DEADLINE approaches. All orders must be submitted and print ready files sent by OCTOBER 1st.

Can’t wait to see you at the fair!


Oct 202015


Moniker Press Talk

Photos by @TracyStefanucci (L) + @BlondArtBooks (R)

The Vancouver Art/Book Fair took place on October 17th and 18th! It was a blast. Thanks to everyone who came to check it out. As well as thanks to those who came to listen to my talk on Sunday. For more information on Risograph printing or to view the videos that were featured in my talk visit the Printing page. Below are some photos of Moniker at the fair, more photos can be viewed on the Project Space facebook page or the VanDocument article.

Photo by Lukas Engelhardt for VANDOCUMENT.‘The Garden’ installation with Brandon Cotter – Photo by Lukas Engelhardt for VANDOCUMENT.

Vancouver Art/Book Fair Vancouver Art/Book Fair Vancouver Art/Book Fair Vancouver Art/Book Fair Vancouver Art/Book Fair

(above) Moniker’s table display (Photos by E)

Vancouver Art/Book FairAaron Read’s ‘HorrorMan’ Poster

Vancouver Art/Book Fair
Little Limited Library (project by Tracy Stefanucci)

Sep 282015


Had the pleasure of working with my friend Brandon Cotter on curating and designing this reading room that was installed at the Project Space Fundraiser Event on September 28th and will also be installed at Project Space’s Vancouver Art/Book Fair 2015 (Vancouver Art Gallery Annex, 750 Hornby Street – located in the second floor stairwell)

The Garden is a modular reading room installation by Moniker Press, in collaboration with artist Brandon Cotter. Objects reconstructed from salvaged materials host a collection of local artists’ books, zines and publications that open to topics of contemporary thought, art criticism, boundaries and restrictions, as well as other unusual and unique subject matters.

Sit. Read. Stay awhile.

The Garden Reading RoomThe Garden Reading RoomThe Garden Reading Room The Garden Reading Room The Garden Reading RoomThe Garden Reading RoomThe Garden Reading RoomThe Garden Reading Room

Featured Titles:

Em Space — Zebulon Zang

Issues 32 to 40 — Bartelby Review

ARClog 2.1: Women In And Out of Focus — Stephane Bernard

Fragments of Bismuth — Alex Bovril

Cuts of Thin Meat — Steffanie Ling

guide to/making of — Moniker Press

Chapter Two / Vancouver — Pecan Mag

dress code in effect — Access Gallery

I’d Hurt A Fly (Kara Hansen) — Clean Indoor Air Act (Steffanie Ling) — LIT LIT LIT LIT

`Learn to live with the one you love`and the other side is `What I learned from living with the ones I love` — Nicole Schlosser

“CULTURAL APPROPRIATION IN SPIRITUALITY – how deepening our understandings of settler-colonialism, race and privilege and help us reland our practices with humility, accountability and reciprocity.” — Aja Rose Bond

Brandon Cotter is a multi-disciplinary artist living and working in Vancouver. He graduated from Emily Carr University in 2010 and co-runs the commercial art gallery FIELD Contemporary.

Mar 282015


Excited to show Moniker’s most recent design and print project:

dress code in effect

Risograph printed on various papers.
Designed by Erica Wilk (Moniker).
32 pages + newsprint map insert.
Edition of 60.

Special thanks for the design and studio assistance:  Emma and Angela (champion folder!) 


Access Gallery & Avenue (165 E Hastings St)
March 14 – 27, 2015

Work by: Mallory Amirault, Loes van Bruinessen, Emmalena Fredriksson, Rikke Goldbech, Fernanda Gutierrez, Jennifer Juba, Anchi Lin, Candice Okada, Felix Rapp, Alina Senchenko, Christian Vistan, Jacobo Zambrano.

Collaboratively curated by Matias Armendaris, Manuel Correa, Erin den Hartigh, Matthew DeWetter, Kathryn Dobbin, Elsa Falkmann, Julia Dahee Hong, Emma Metcalfe Hurst, Dana Kearley, Karine Ling, Ingrid Olauson, Jon Peters, Titiana Peng, Lyndsay Pomerantz, Sarah Seburn and Noah Spivak, the seminar cohort of AHIS 401 Topics in Curatorial Projects at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Spring 2015.

dresscodedoc_001_676pxdresscodedoc_007_676pxdresscodedoc_003_676pxdresscodedoc_009_676px dresscodedoc_006_676pxdress code in effect

Access Gallery gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Government of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and BC Gaming, the City of Vancouver, Burrard Arts Foundation, and our committed donors, members and volunteers.

This exhibition was made possible in part due to the generosity of Emily Carr University of Art and Design’s Imagining Our Futures initiative.

Established as an artist-run centre in 1991, Access Gallery is platform for emergent and experimental art practices. We enable critical conversations and risk taking through new configurations of audience, artists and community.

Avenue is an artist-operated gallery and studio space that develops and exhibits contemporary art practices. Committed to the notion of flexibility, Avenue considers itself a hybrid platform and artist project space. Through the facilitation of exhibitions, publications, performances, talks, meetings and music, among other creative gestures, Avenue cultivates emerging and critical acts, providing a space for unconventional events to occur.