► Example file set up for a 3-colour print by Paige Jung for the 2023 Artist Calendar. ① Yellow file ② Teal File, ③ Br Red file ④ Digital Proof ⑤ Final riso print! ►

FORMAT: PDF(s) preferred (.tif, .psd, .png is ok) RESOLUTION: 300 to 600 dpi (high resolution) COLOUR: greyscale / b&w / K SIZE: to-size plus bleed (ie: the file size of an 8×10″ print would be 8.25×10.25″) BLEED: 0.125” SAFE ZONE: 0.25-0.5″ BLEED: 0.125” VECTOR: to achieve the clearest line text and shapes should be changed to 100% K with no fill. (read more below) PRINTER MARKS: do not include crop, registration or bleed marks. since we do imposition for all files for the digital proof we add our own when necessary. MOCKUP: low-res PDF or jpg in colour. Required for book/zine projects that are 2+ colour so we have a colour reading order PDF to refer to. Not required for prints (but still appreciated if you want to). FILE NAMING: it makes our life so much easier when you name your files concisely and correctly, thank you!
Zines/books: inkcolour_projecttitle.pdf
Prints: print#side_inkcolour_projecttitle_.pdf
Example 2c double sided prints:
1A_GRY_AnasArt.pdf, 1A_YEL_AnasArt.pdf
1B_GRY_AnasArt.pdf, 1B_YEL_AnasArt.pdf
2A_GRY_AnasArt.pdf, 2A_YEL_AnasArt.pdf
2B_GRY_AnasArt.pdf, 2B_YEL_AnasArt.pdf…etc
# = the print number, A/B = the side of the print (front or back), GRY = light grey ink, YEL = yellow ink (to keep file names shorter please use only 3 letters for ink colour codes: black = BLK, Medium Blue = mBL, Bright Red = RED, Green = GRE, Yellow = YEL, Purple = PUR, Aqua = AQU, Teal = TEA, Fl Pink = PIN, Orchid = ORH, Light Grey = GRY, Cornflower = CRN, Fl Orange = fOR)
FILE SIZE: uncompressed (under 50MB when possible) SENDING: our inbox fills up quickly, please don’t send files directly via email thread. Use a storage/sending service, such as google drive, dropbox or we-transfer to send download link.
⚞ Note: Please read through the other info below about specific outputs (Photo, Drawing/Image, Type/Vector) as well as review the printer warnings on the Riso intro page, when ordering prints with Moniker Press you agree to our terms & conditions.
No problem, we are happy to help! Moniker offers design, layout, colour separation and print file set up services at an hourly rate with a typical minimum of a 1/2 hour. Email to discuss your project.

The chart below illustrates the difference between conversion types. Instead of simply changing the colour profile to “greyscale,” which may result in a light or faded print, it is recommended to manually adjust the colour layer to 100% K (black) or the corresponding grey tone that closely matches the desired yellow shade. Note that the specific process and adjustments may vary depending on your design software and personal preferences.

⚞ Tip: large areas of dense colour (and gradients) translate better for Riso when you tell it what to do, like adding a subtle texture or pattern to the area for it to follow.
We can create most custom sizes, but suggest designing your project to fit economically on an 11×17” tabloid sheet to reduce stencil and paper waste. We will determine based on the final size that’s provided in your specifications. The cost is calculated per stencil, which covers an area of 16.5×10.5″. For example, if you have two 8×10″ art prints with the same color stencils, we would print them 2-up per sheet. So, when you order 50 copies of the 2-up sheet, it would result in a total of 100 prints.
All measurements for paper are in inches (thanks USA). Rounded measurements are required as our guillotine cutter is very old and can’t easily align to something that’s for example: “10.36959” but an even 10.5″ or 10.25″ is great!
10×15” (1-up)
8×10” (2-up)
7×9” (2-up)
5×7” (4-up)
4×6” (4-up)
4×5” (8-up)
2×3.5” (8-up)
8×10” (1 or 2-up)
7×10” (1 or 2-up)
5×8” (2 or 4-up)
4×5” (2 or 4-up)
⚞ We’ll help determine how many
prints per sheet your order has.
Designs smaller than the max print area 10.75 x 16.75″ can print at full bleed. Add at least 0.125″ around your artwork extending past the cut line. For example the print file size for an 8×10″ print with bleed would be 8.25×10.25″
► purple square= artwork/design area, solid line = approx final trim, dashed line = approx safe zone. ►
SADDLE STITCH BOOK/ZINES: no bleed on spine edge. For example the file size for a 5×8″ booklet pages would be 5.125×8.25″.
SAFE ZONE: Account for some misalignment within your design to avoid important content from being cut off during the final trim. A safe zone can be approximately 0.25-0.5″ of space between important content and the paper edge.
If you are seeking exact replication of full-color printing, risograph might not be the right fit for your project (and that’s okay.) While risographs can simulate a CMYK-like effect for photographs through a 2-4 color separation process, it's important to note that the results will vary from print to print. This characteristic of riso can add a unique feel to your photographs, creating a one-of-a-kind look for each print. Another fun aspect of faux-CMYK separations is the freedom to choose any combination of colours. For instance, you could print a photo using Bright Red and Green, offering creative possibilities beyond the traditional CMYK palette, check out some photo examples from the Print Log below:
Risos often struggle to reproduce low-contrast or very light details, such as delicate pencil marks. Due to the nature of the printing process, these subtle elements may not be as pronounced or visible in the final print. It's important to keep this in mind when preparing your artwork or design for, and make adjustments accordingly to ensure the desired level of detail and contrast.
► Scanned example: Helvetica Narrow from 4pt to 18 pt, with knockout text in 20pt and 24pt. Line from 0.25pt to 4pt. ►
Knockout text and small type, especially those below 6pt, are sometimes reproduced as bitmap rather than solid lines, which could affect legibility. But depending on the look you want to achieve this bitmap effect could still create an interesting effects.
Once files have been submitted we will send you a digital proof made directly from your files. You are responsible for final review and approval, adjustments can be made to the files if necessary.
If further proofs and subsequent adjustments are required, a small fee may be applied to your order to cover the time and costs associated with creating multiple proofs. Please keep in mind that digital proofs cannot accurately replicate the exact colors, textures, or variations created by the Riso printing process. MP is unable to guarantee an exact color match, precise tone or shade accuracy, overlapping ink results, or consistent line quality through digital proofs.
Some examples of past projects we've worked on below: