Jul 162018


Pictures of the various iterations of the modular reading room—The Garden pt 2*— that I created with Vancouver Art Book Fair for the Toronto Art Book Fair this past weekend.

Yes, I sewed about 40 weird shapey pillows and yes, it would not have been possible without the magical Lisa Curry, Sarah DavidsonVide Press, Daniel Jefferies and the TOABF team. ✨ Sad I couldn’t be there but it was still wonderful to do a collab from afar!

The Garden Part 2: Reading Room: soft objects reconstructed from salvaged materials hosted a collection of Vancouver based artists books, multi-media, zines and publications curated by VABF. The books covered a range of topics relating to Vancouver’s Chinatown, politics, urban decay, landscape and gentrification. Attendees of the fair were invited to: Sit. Read. Stay awhile.

Stay tuned for it’s next installation in Vancouver at the Unibrow Comedy Festival in August!


Coinciding with the installation was a collaborative workshop organized by VABF with Quentin of Vide Press (and surprise guest, Jp from Paper Pusher!) Participants collaged photographs from Vancouver submissions into risograph layers. See the results below (photos by Lisa Curry and TOABF).

Vancouver Participants: Lisa Curry, Megan Low, Erica Wilk, Brandon Stephenson, Faye Cottrill, Jaclyn Arndt, Liam Callander, Alistair Henning, Vinny Gib, Emma Walter.  Photos of Vancouver from 2013 to 2018.

Toronto Workshop/Collage Participants: Eloisa Guerrero, Mirae Lee, Mark Laurin, Daphne Chan, Michelle Vu,  Bethany Moy, John Yeon, Hannah Park, Soojin Kim, Stefana Zdrincu, Loretta Mui, Eloisa Guerrero, Jan Ly, Roman Tran, Manar Moursi.


Materials: felt, various fabrics, thread, glue, recycled carpet foam, craiglist foam, faux grass, bird deterrents, velcro and paper.

Inspiration: shapes from destroyed gardens, active gardens (such as Dr. Sun Yat-Sen), parks, back alleys, sidewalk gardens, and attic mountain views.


<full list of books coming soon>

Curated from the L&A collection of VABF

Including a new digital publication by VABF, interviewing Paul Wong about his practice and current project, Occupying Chinatown. Video was looped and displayed on a small screen to coincide with the installation.


*note: the first iteration of The Garden was made in 2015 in collaboration with artist, Brandon Cotter.